2025 Design Focus #2: Curated and Collected Design

Have you ever walked into a chain furniture store and thought: Cute, but this doesn’t feel homey? There can almost be a sterile feeling to it. Everything matching, everything uniform.

My next design trend for this year addresses just that!

When you create a home by gathering pieces, you create a cozier space. Collect items from travels, display special art + momentos, bring in furniture from different places/sources, and mix new pieces with old pieces. Now, my professional advice says don’t go gathering fuchsia couches and lime green rugs and navy plaid pillows. (Unless that’s your goal, then go for that ecclectic vibe and own it!)

Ultimately, however, there should be a rhyme/reason/connection/theme to the collection.

Here is an example: you buy a great dining table in a wood tone that matches another furniture piece - it doesn’t have to be exact, just same undertone (I can explain this with pictures - reach out if you want to see examples!) Then, you add in a beautiful black velvet dining bench, but only one because we aren’t looking to match and create exact symmetry. Next you find some great metal dining chairs to complement the metal lighting in the space, and you choose black metal to vibe with the black bench. You add some pillows of varying color and pattern to pair with some velvet drapery (see - same material used again) and you have a gorgeous, cozy, curated and collected space that feels deliberate and very homey.

So, grab some different chairs for the “heads” of your dining table, or use similar but unique sofas in the same room, or hang artwork that has frames that are all different styles but similar metal tones - and watch your space transform into a more updated version of what it used to be!